Proven Technologies

All our software is built using mature and proven technologies. The same ones that power some of the largest database applications in the world.

Fast and Iterative Process

We use whatever development process fits best with your organization but we prefer an agile process that let's you try the software as prototypes are built.

Great Support

Everyone in our organization handles support. If there is ever an issue with your application we'll get the best person in the organization to fix the issue.

Summary of Features


Browser Based

Browser based software allows you to use any desktop or mobile device.

Flexible Deployment Options

We know you need flexible delivery options which is why we provide remote and on-site deployment options for companies of all sizes.

Modern Architecture

We use the latest database and browser technologies to provide feature rich and responsive applications that work on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Standard Integrations

Standardized integration endpoints allow you to push or consume data using familiar technogies such as: HTTP, REST, SQL, CSV, Excel, JSON, and XML

Looking to learn more ?

Call or email us to schedule a quick demo to learn about any of our products or solutions.

(888) 324-3878